Service sector in India Class 12 Geography NCERT

The service sector has seen tremendous growth in both developed and developing countries in recent decades. One of the main reasons for this growth is the increasing importance of knowledge and information in the global economy. In many cases, knowledge-intensive services are more profitable and scalable than traditional manufacturing industries, making them a more attractive investment for businesses and governments alike.

Here are some of the reasons why the service sector has grown more rapidly than the manufacturing sector:

  1. Low capital requirements: Service sector firms often require less capital investment than manufacturing firms, which can make it easier for new businesses to enter the market. For example, a software company can start with a few programmers and a laptop, whereas a manufacturing firm may require significant investment in machinery and infrastructure.
  2. Higher margins: Service sector firms often have higher margins than manufacturing firms, meaning that they can generate more revenue per unit of output. For example, a consulting firm can charge high fees for its services, whereas a manufacturing firm may have to compete on price in a crowded market.
  3. Globalization: The service sector is more easily tradable across borders than manufactured goods, thanks to advances in communication and transportation technologies. This means that service firms can tap into global markets more easily than manufacturing firms, which may face trade barriers and logistical challenges.
  4. Changing consumer preferences: As societies become more affluent and knowledge-intensive, consumers are demanding more services such as healthcare, education, and financial services. This has led to a shift in economic activity towards the service sector, as firms seek to meet this demand.

Examples of countries where the service sector has grown rapidly include the United States, where services account for over 80% of GDP, and India, where the service sector has been a major driver of economic growth in recent years. In both cases, the growth of the service sector has been driven by factors such as low capital requirements, high margins, and changing consumer preferences.

In conclusion, the growth of the service sector in both developed and developing countries can be attributed to a variety of factors, including low capital requirements, higher margins, globalization, and changing consumer preferences. While manufacturing remains an important part of many economies, the service sector is likely to continue to grow in importance as knowledge and information become increasingly important drivers of economic growth.

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